Wealth Principle #1: Wealth > Status

Why chasing status instead of wealth doesn't make sense

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Wealth Principle #1: Take Wealth Over Status

We need to establish the terms first.

  • Wealth = assets you own that earn money for you while you sleep.

  • Status = your rank in the social hierarchy.

Wealth is the thing we all seek because it buys us the freedom to do what we want with our lives.

That's its sole purpose - freedom.

It's not about the clothes, the cars, or the mansions.

It's about being our own individuals.

But why is it better to pursue wealth over status?

Status is a zero-sum game.

There's always a number one and number two, and to move up, you've to take someone else's spot.

For you to have status, there have to be countless other people who don't have any.

So playing a status game instead of a wealth game doesn't make sense.

Wealth is not a zero-sum game.

Jeff Bezos being a billionaire doesn't take away your ability to become a billionaire.

Even the contrary.

Because there are billionaires, it's easier for you to become one.

You can learn from them and follow their blueprint.

This is why you should take wealth over status any day of the week.

Wealth buys you freedom and helps you create a change in the world because it's a positive sum game.

Chasing status instead of wealth is stupid because there's always gonna be someone more popular than you.

Status puts you in a constant chase of relevancy.

Wealth puts you in a position to do what you want to do with your life.

You tell me which one is better.


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