🕴️The G Journal #8

Three things to help you start your week on the right note

Hey G

Here's your weekly dose of The G Journal, a list of three things that will help you start your week the right way.

Please feel free to forward this along to friends.

One Story

The Story of the Chinese Farmer

There was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away.

All of his neighbors came around to support him.

They said: "This is unfortunate."

The farmer responded: "Maybe."

The next day, the horse came back along with seven wild horses.

The neighbors came back and said, "Oh, aren't you lucky? You now have 8 horses."

The farmer said, "Maybe."

The next day, the farmer's son broke his leg while riding one of the horses.

The neighbors said, "You've such bad luck."

The farmer said, "Maybe."

The next day, officers came around to conscript people into the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg.

The neighbors said, "Isn't that great?"

And the farmer, of course, said, "Maybe."


Life and nature are complicated.

So complicated that it's impossible to know whether or not an event is good or bad because you never know its consequences.

Wise people like this Chinese farmer have learned to deal with and live with that uncertainty.

One Quote:

"I would never write anything that suggests the path to success is a continuum of positive, even euphoric experiences—that if you do all the right things everything will work out. Frequently it doesn’t; often you crash and burn. This is part and parcel of pursuing and achieving very ambitious goals. It is also one of the profound lessons I have learned during my career, namely, that even when you have an organization brimming with talent, victory is not always under your control. Rather, it’s like quicksilver—fleeting and elusive, not something you can summon at will even under the best circumstances. Almost always, your road to victory goes through a place called “failure.”

The Score Takes Care of Itself, Bill Walsh

Don't know about you, but I love sports quotes.

One Meme:



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