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- 🕴️The G Insight #6 - Mindset
🕴️The G Insight #6 - Mindset
Read on to learn how you can change your mindset quickly.

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The G Insight - Mindset
We've been told time and time again that the key to success is our mindset, whatever that means.
Mindset has turned to one of those words like happiness and love that mean different things to different people.
But no one really knows what it means, so let's define it.
According to the dictionary, mindset is a person's way of thinking.
We agree with that definition and with the general notion that if you want to change your life, you've to start with your mindset.
How you think affects every aspect of your life, so it makes sense to start there.
But the most popular ways to change your mindset are extremely weird.
I mean, do we really want to look at ourselves in the mirror while shouting different affirmations?
There's no need for that.
Here are two practical ways to change your mindset:
1) Tactical reframes.
Reframing is one of the best tools to change your mindset and thoughts.
There are very few situations that you can't reframe into something positive.
So next time something bad happens, use a tactical reframe.
Here's an example.
Let's say there's a big line in the grocery store, and you'll have to wait for 5-10 mins for your turn.
Instead of getting frustrated and angry because you'll have to wait, focus on something a little more productive.
Reframe the situation from a "time-waster" into an opportunity to relax and take some time for yourself.
Think about what you'll do later that day, or focus on gratitude for what you already have.
See how easy that was?
Using tactical reframes in these kinds of situations will improve the quality of your thoughts and, by extension, the quality of your life.
2) Find evidence to support your confidence.
We all know people who have been confident since the day they were born.
They were good with the opposite sex, did great in their careers, and were good at sports.
Basically, they were Giga Chads before Giga Chad was a thing.
Well, we ain't them.
Most of us struggle with our confidence.
We don't feel good about ourselves most of the time.
But there's a way to avoid this constant struggle.
We just need to find evidence.
Being confident in an area of your life comes from evidence that you've succeeded in the past.
So to feel more confident in any area of your life, you just need to find evidence to support it.
Let's say you want to be more confident around the opposite sex, but anytime you start thinking about it, you remember all the stupid stuff you've said and done around them.
It can make you cringe.
But I bet you've made at least 1 person of the opposite sex smile.
And that's all you need.
Now anytime you start thinking about your experience with the opposite sex, think about that situation and how you've made them smile.
If you repeat that situation in your head several times, you'll feel a lot more confident around the opposite sex.
You can use both of these tactics in all areas of life to change your mindset.
They will make you more:
More confident.
That's all for today, G!